From Elsewhere: Douglas Murray on Britain’s increasingly inequitable policing...
It is now proven beyond reasonable doubt that Britons are being policed inequitably. Gone are the days when the police were forced to abide...
View ArticleFrom Elsewhere: A scathing but accurate article from Douglas Murray
Unlike some commentators, whose views and opinions are to use an old phrase, ‘go up and down like a whore’s drawers’, depending on what...
View ArticleFrom Elsewhere: Brilliant and deserved praise for Andy Ngo from Douglas Murray
Yet again I have to take the time to say Douglas Murray is correct. He’s correct in his praise of the independent journalist Andy Ngo...
View ArticleFrom Elsewhere: The weakness at the heart of the woke cult
I have views and opinions, just like anyone else. Some of my opinions are contentious in today’s Britain, for example my opinion that Britons...
View ArticleFrom Elsewhere: Stonewall being exposed.
For younger readers it is probably not really possible for you to understand how far things have come for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual people...
View ArticleFrom Elsewhere: Douglas Murray gets it right. It’s the bureaucracy that is...
Excellent piece from the Spectator from Douglas Murray who is a consistently excellent writer. In this piece he examines Britain’s perennial political sleaze scandals...
View ArticleFrom Elsewhere: You and me both Mr Murray.
In a recent Spectator article the author and commentator Douglas Murray opined that he is ‘sick of the Tories’. Having observed their recent performance...
View ArticleFrom Elsewhere: A brilliant bitch fight worth reading.
If you want to see an absolute master skewer some leftists then, if you are able, get over to the Twitter feed of the...
View ArticleFrom Elsewhere: Mr Murray is right. We need to deal with our obvious loons in...
I’m a centre right conservative. I believe in freedom of speech, freedom of thought, a state that is big enough to deal with the...
View ArticleFrom Elsewhere: The mad, mad, mad, mad world of Prevent.
The Prevent anti-extremism project was created by the government of Tony Blair in 2003 to tackle one of Britain’s sadly now perennial problems, that...
View ArticleFrom Elsewhere: When the media and the Left lies by omission.
The Left are fond, very fond, of declaring that Black and Gay lives matter. The Left and their handmaidens and supporters in the media...
View ArticleFrom Elsewhere: Nail, head, hit by Douglas Murray on the subject of immigration.
Brilliant piece in the Daily Telegraph from Douglas Murray. In it he bemoans the appalling shitshow that has been made by the Government of...
View ArticleFrom Elsewhere: Douglas Murray is on fire in these videos.
I’ve long been an admirer of the writer and commentator Douglas Murray. He’s one of the few writers out there who have been able...
View ArticleIranian influence on current ‘Palestine’ protests
Many of us have looked on at the various ‘Palestine’ protests and have been horrified. We’ve been horrified at the naked Jew hatred that...
View ArticleQuote of the Day 12th August 2024. Oooh what a burn from Douglas Murray
Alistair Campbell, former aide to former Prime Minister Tony Blair has been joining with the leftist idiot chorus which are slagging off author Douglas Murray. ...
View ArticleFrom Elsewhere: More wise words from Douglas Murray.
Many who read this blog may well be familiar with the speech, made over a decade ago, in favour of freedom of speech given...
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